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  • Introduction¶ GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. The terms of usage and rules about copying are clearly listed in the GNU General Public License. There is a nice Frequently Asked.
  • In total, since GIMP 2.10.8, 775 commits were contributed (average of 5 commits a day) to the GIMP 2.10 branch (and more to other development branches). This means a lot of bugs were fixed (41 bug reports were closed during this development span), performance were improved, and your work is made safer.

The Free & Open Source Image Editor

This is the official website of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).

GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes.

Introduction¶ GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. The terms of usage and rules about copying are clearly listed in the GNU General Public License. There is a nice Frequently Asked. Updated on 2020-12-24: GIMP 2.10.22 DMG revision 1 GIMP 2.10.22 build for macOS - has known performance issues on Big Sur Download GIMP 2.10.22 via BitTorrent Download GIMP 2.10.22 directly.

Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins.

How to tell: If this is the problem, merely reading this will already have made you realize it, probably, but to explain in any case: sometimes the flickering line that outlines the selection is annoying because it makes it hard to see important details of the image, so GIMP gives you the option of hiding the selection, by unchecking Show Selection in the View menu.

Recent News

🎄 Development release GIMP 2.99.4 is out 🎁2020-12-25
This is 252020-11-21

High Quality Photo Manipulation

GIMP provides the tools needed for high quality image manipulation. From retouching to restoring to creative composites, the only limit is your imagination.

Original Artwork Creation

GIMP gives artists the power and flexibility to transform images into truly unique creations.

Graphic Design Elements

GIMP is used for producing icons, graphical design elements, and art for user interface components and mockups.

Programming Algorithms

GIMP is a high quality framework for scripted image manipulation, with multi-language support such as C, C++, Perl, Python, Scheme, and more!

Key Component in a Desktop Publishing Workflow

Www Gimp Com Es El

GIMP provides top-notch color management features to ensure high-fidelity color reproduction across digital and printed media. It is best used in workflows involving other free software such as Scribus, Inkscape, and SwatchBooker.


Extensibility & Flexibility

GIMP provides extensibility through integration with many programming languages including Scheme, Python, Perl, and more.

The result is a high level of customization as demonstrated by the large number of scripts and plug-ins created by the community.

Header image: Niagara Rainbow by Ville Pätsi (cba)

High Quality Photo Manipulation background image by Pat David (cba)

Original Artwork Creation background image by David Revoy (cb)

Graphic Design Elements background image by Ollin Bohan (cba)

GIMP User Manual¶

GIMP comes with a built-in help system. Once you have started the program, press F1 for context-sensitive help. You may have to install the help pages from a separate package (gimp-help), depending on how your version of GIMP was packaged.

The user manual for the GIMP 2.10 release is available in 17 languages:

The user manuals for older releases can be found at the GIMP Documentation page.





  • How to set the tile cache. The tile cache tells GIMP how much memory it can use before swapping some image data to disk. Setting the size of the tile cache can be critical for the performance of your system.

GIMP Manual Pages¶

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GIMP Documentation for Developers and Script Authors¶