Sketchfab Blender 2 8

Import glTF assets into Blender using Sketchfab download API

  1. Sketchfab Blender 2 88
  2. How To Download From Sketchfab
  3. Sketchfab Blender 2 8 Download

Important note about plugin for 2.8
The plugin is not guaranteed to work with all new releases. We will try to update it to make it work as much as possible.
For each update, we will just replace the 2.8 zip on this release, and update the following note with the version it has been tested on.

Blender 2.80: under the tab 'Sketchfab' in the Properties panel (shortcut N). ⚠️ Note to Blender 2.79 OSX/Linux users: The addon uses its own version of the SSL library. It is embedded within the plugin and should work correctly, but do not hesitate to report an issue if you encounter any issue related to SSL. Blender 2.80: under the tab 'Sketchfab' in the Properties panel (shortcut N). ⚠️ Note to Blender 2.79 OSX/Linux users: The addon uses its own version of the SSL library. It is embedded within the plugin and should work correctly, but do not hesitate to report an issue if you encounter any issue related to SSL. So let's start Blender version 2.79 or above. If you have a look at the toolbar (T) you can see the newly introduced tabs. One of them should read File I/O and, if clicked, show the fields for Sketchfab uploads. If this tab isn't there you have to first activate the add-on. A simple tutorial to take your models from Blender to Sketchfab 1. Bake Maps (Frame 04:39) ( Cushion 13:55) 4. Bake Normals (Frame 11:53) (Cushion 16:15) 5.

  • Current: Blender 2.80 Beta (9390b2e645a6 from 2019-01-14)
  • Previous: Blender 2.80 Beta (16fc62e15f0 from 2018-12-12)
    Don't hesitate to report if it doesn't work on new versions so that we can iterate :)


  • fix ssl issue for OSX/Linux (unsupported TLS protocol)
  • fix issue where the plugin always import the first asset

This plugin has been developped and tested on Blender 2.79 and works with Cycles
Note: a version for Blender 2.80 (Eevee) is also available

If you have any issue, please have a look at this section before using 'Report an issue' button in the plugin. You can also report through this link.

If you are using Blender on OSX/Linux

The plugin doesn't use the default embeded ssl lib but uses it's own version (embedded with the plugin).
If you have any issue or any side effect around it, please report us.

How to use


Download the attached zip file and install it as a regular blender

Sketchfab Blender 2 88

Login, browse and import models

The addon is available in View3D -> Tools under the tab 'Sketchfab'.

You don't need to login to browse models but it's required if you want to import a model.

Importing models into Blender:

The plugin allows to download and import 100k+ free downloadable models into Blender.
Materials are converted to CYCLE materials, the importer is not compatible with other renderers.
Animation not supported yet, but it will be implemented in the next version. Animated model are available for search and download but animation data will be missing.

Known limits/issues and further improvements

My model doesn't look good, it's different from Sketchfab

There are still improvements to do on import, and Sketchfab to Blender (through glTF) conversion has some limits.
This section will give some hints about differences or issues that can be encountered when importing models into Blender.

I don't see anything after my model is imported:

Scale can vary a lot between different models, and the origin is not always at the center. Try to scale up/down the model in order to make it visible.
Note: root object is automatically selected after import, so you just need to use the scale shortcut 's' to scale up or down your model.
If it's not enough, select a mesh object in hierarchy and use numpad '.' or Blender menu to focus/align the view on it.

Transparency is looking weird, transparent objects are not visible:

Some models are using refraction, and it's not supported by glTF so it's converted to regular transparency.
Refraction is easy to spot on a model, you just need to check the Sketchfab version by clicking 'View on Sketchfab'

My model has weird seams/normals:

Sketchfab Blender 2 8

Tangent space import is not working yet so you might experience rendering issue on some models with normal maps.
It's something we will improve in the next versions

My model is black, or has weird colors

It can be caused by several limits in material import.

  • The model has vertex colors: Vertex colors are always exported in glTF files (to allow edition) so they are always loaded in Blender. Sometimes this data is wrong or useless, and the author disables it on Sketchfab.
    You can easily check if the model has this color data by selecting one of the meshes and looking in mesh properties if it has a Vertex colors layer.
    Fix: remove vertex colors if they are not valid

  • The model has an outline: a way to have an outline on a Sketchfab model is to duplicate the mesh, flip it's faces and make the material single sided. It is not well imported yet, and it can gives some rendering issues.
    Example of a model with outline:

    • if base and ouline meshes have faces that are very close, Blender can render them totally transparent, so the model will have holes.
    • If your scene has a light casting shadows, it will make the base mesh look dark because of outline mesh casting shadows on it. There are several solutions to fix this.
  • Backface culling:
    Some models are set to use single sided materials, which is converted into Blender by using a trick with transparency and backfacing property.
    Fix: look for a 'Geometry' node in the graph, removes the 'backfacing' link et set the linked node 'Mix Shader' factor to 0.

I have a weird behaviour and no error nor warning message shown:

If an error occurs, you will have an error or a stack trace in Blender's console.
You can open the console using 'Windows => Toggle system console' but this feature is not always available (for example you don't have it on OSX). The workaround is to start Blender from command line: . Outputs will be printed in the shell from which you launched Blender.

Welcome to the first “Let’s Animate” Blender 2.8 tutorial. In this tutorial we will be learning the basics of animation in Blender 2.8.

Blender 2.8 Download –

Blender 2.8 Shortcut Keys –

Settings and Interface

Under the Output tab you can set the resolution of the animation (1920 x 1080 is the default)

You can also set the Frame Start and Frame End numbers

The Frame Start is the first frame from which you want the animation to begin (1 is the default)

The Frame End is the last frame of the animation (250 is the default)

You can also set your Frame Rate – the number of frames per second (24 is the default)

Under the Animation Workspace you will see the Camera View on the upper-left, the 3D Viewport on the upper-right, and the Dope Sheet on the bottom

If you are familiar with Blender 2.7 you will notice that in Blender 2.8 the Timeline and the Dope Sheet have now been combined

State Colors

Under the Object tab you have access to the Location, Rotation, and Scale properties

The gray default color of the object properties indicates that there are no keyframes or animation

Select the default Cube and with your mouse over the 3D Viewport click “I” to bring up the Insert Keyframe Menu and then choose Location-Rotation-Scale (LocRotScale)

Notice that the object properties’ default gray color has now turned yellow which indicates that a keyframe has been added

Move the Dope Sheet indicator to frame 20 and move the Cube

Notice that the object properties’ yellow color has now turned green which indicates that an animation has now been added

Once the Cube is moved press “I” to bring up the Insert Keyframe Menu and then choose Location-Rotation-Scale

Shortcut Keys Animation

There are three main ways to animate in Blender 2.8 – shortcut keys, automatic keyframe, and object properties

Let’s start with a new Blender file

Delete the default Cube and add a UV Sphere

Under the Shading Workspace add a material to the entire UV Sphere

Then add a second material to the center faces around the UV Sphere

The first way to animate an object in Blender is through shortcut keys

Open the Animation workspace and enter into LookDev Mode (Z + 2)

Tab back into Object Mode

Pressing “I” on your keyboard brings up the Insert Keyframe Menu where you can choose to add a keyframe for Location, Rotation, or Scale (or a combination of these properties)

In general, the Location, Rotation, Scale (LocRotScale) option is used when animating and object

Open up the Toolbar (T), and move the UV Sphere up along the Z-Axis

Add a Location, Rotation, and Scale keyframe at frame 1

Move ahead to frame 30

Move the UV Sphere down and change the scale

Add a Location, Rotation, and Scale keyframe at frame 30

Select the keyframes from frame 1 by clicking on the top keyframe

Duplicate the keyframes (SHIFT + D) and move the keyframes to frame 60

Go back to frame 1 and play the animation

Automatic Keyframe Animation

Move the UV Sphere up above the grid

Select all the keyframes (A) and delete them (X)

Move to frame 1 and turn on the Automatic Keyframe Insertion (circle next to the play buttons)

Move the UV Sphere back toward the center of the Camera View – notice how the keyframes have already been added to the Dope Sheet

Move ahead to frame 30 and scale the UV Sphere

Duplicate the keyframes from frame 1 and move the duplicates to frame 60

Go back to frame 1 and play the animation

Object Properties Animation

Under the Animation tab select all the keyframes (A) and delete them (X)

Make sure to turn off Automatic Keyframes

How To Download From Sketchfab

Change to LookDev Mode (Z + 2) so we can see the materials

Move to frame 1 and under the Object tab make sure the Location and Rotation properties are set to 0 and the Scale is set to 1

You can set the various animation properties on individual keyframes from the Object tab

Blender to sketchfab exporter

Let’s set all the properties to their defaults at frame 1 – simply click on the small circle to the right of each property to insert a keyframe

Move to frame 15 and change the Z-Location property and click on the diamond to set a keyframe

Move to frame 30 and change the Y-Rotation property and click on the diamond to set a keyframe

Duplicate the keyframes from frame 1 and move the duplicates to frame 45

Go back to frame 1 and play the animation

This was just a very brief introduction to animation in Blender 2.8. More detailed animation tutorials will be coming soon!

Sketchfab Blender 2 8 Download

If you follow along with this tutorial (or any of my tutorials), please tweet me your creations or any creations you make in Blender!